A Word from Chelseia

Inspired daily to inspire someone else…therefore "iinspire2!" It's a lifestyle…FAVOR!

A Farsighted Vision — Nearsighted Faith

on August 15, 2014

Vision: an experience in which a personage, thing, or event appears vividly or credibly to the mind, although not actually present, often under the influence of a divine or other agency

18Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish; but he who keeps the law [of God, which includes that of man]–blessed (happy, fortunate, and enviable) is he. Proverbs 29:18 (Amplified)

2-3And then God answered: “Write this.
Write what you see.
Write it out in big block letters
so that it can be read on the run.
This vision-message is a witness
pointing to what’s coming.
It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait!
And it doesn’t lie.
If it seems slow in coming, wait.
It’s on its way. It will come right on time. (Habakkuk 2:2 MSG)

When your vision is farsighted (ability to see at a distance clear), and your faith is nearsighted (causing distance to seem blurry) faith, you must remain steadfast in faith.

Do you have a vision? If yes, have you taken the initiative to write down your focus, goals, strategies and objectives? Do you find it easier to see the finished product versus getting started? Is your faith nearsighted? Perhaps, you could have a nearsighted vision and farsighted faith (vice versa). Sometimes what you need for your vision is near, but sometimes we’re so focused on the end, we loose sight– when God wants us to focus on what’s before us. Your vision is something God has equipped only for you—there will be pain, because it leads to purpose. Don’t allow your nearsighted faith cause you to suffer from vision loss, because that will lead to a loss of hope. God hasn’t given you the spirit of fear, but of a sound mind. If we’re completely honest with self, a lot of us are blind, because we don’t want to see what God is trying to show us. He has given you a vision; don’t allow the enemy to cataract your faith (cloudy or opaque area in the eye).

Today, I encourage you to create a vision board of what you see ahead. Keep that vision board nearby, and as often as possible take note of how you plan to reach your vision. In my opinion, a vision is an assignment that God has for you to carry out to His people. Don’t allow man to give you a fantasy-vision, but allow God to equip you with what you need—then wait on Him…and while you’re waiting remind God that He said, “Where there is no vision the people perish.” What do you see? (Habakkuk 2:2) Write it down, I pray that your vision is farsighted as well as your FAITH!!! Don’t allow your faith or vision to be nearsighted! What may appear to be blurry, God can make clear! It’s in you to be GREAT, see the impossible! Allow God to correct your vision, so that you can be a blessing to someone else!

Maximize your VISION—and watch it MANIFEST!!!

6 responses to “A Farsighted Vision — Nearsighted Faith

  1. Racquel Fullman says:

    Thank you so much for this!!

    Thank you,

    Racquel C. Fullman 404.734.8147


  2. Traniece Robinson says:

    Thank you for this post! As always it was right on time! Haven’t had a post pop in my email for awhile, so this was refreshing! I will pass this on to my hubby! Thanks!!!! Be blessed!!! 🙂

  3. martha says:

    Thank for this this, Chelseia! I was so blessed by this. I heard a Word yesterday about our Faith sustaining us. This is a reminder to keep that truth out in front of me as I start a new week. Thanks again! Martha

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